Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Most men would not date a woman if they know she earns more than them,they say or feel she would be proud and would not be submissive. So does that mean that men are arrogant and controlling because most men earn more than women?
Or is it inferiority complex,that for a man to feel like a man,his wife or girlfriend must be inferior to him financially? Is it really true that most women cannot handle being the higher earner in a relationship?
  In Nigeria, as a case study, some men would date and marry a working class female with a good career only to demand after marriage that she leaves her job to stay at home.Is this right or just plain chauvinism? Is that why we train our girls not to be too ambitious or career oriented? Telling them if they rent an apartment or buy a car or build a house before they are married no guy will marry them?!
  What happens to women who lose their husbands in death and do not have any other means of financial support for themselves and their children especially in a society when the relatives come and claim the man's property as theirs? What happens when the man loses his job or his business crashes?
In a world where money is power and people use this power to control,enslave and maltreat others, i think its a big mistake for a woman not to have her own financial power no matter how rich her husband or boyfriend is.


  1. It's like asking why does it snow in winter, it's not the fault of these men but we can't question God about how He wired men that way. When the holy books refer to men as the Head, they don't talk about the physical head but head in all areas including decision making. Please how do you make decisions if you don't control the larger influx of financial entity of the organization (home). It's simple... in every organization, the largest shareholder always has the final or higher say in decision-making of the organization.... so whoever controls the finances or economy, controls the population and whoever controls economy and population, controls everything.

  2. First of all,your illustration does not apply to this issue.
    Secondly,God did not wire anybody to be like that.
    Thirdly,the bible specifically said the man is the head of the family and not in all areas.
    And by the way caring for your family involves not only money,it involves your time,love,patience and all the many other ways you treat your family.
    So are you saying for a man to make the decision in the house he always has to earn more and if he does not for example he has a serious ailment or the wife got a promotion or a better job what would happen?

    1. I didn't say any of the things you just mentioned, besides if you are going to render my illustration not applicable, please give an applicable illustration to back up your point or it will remain just an opinion of one person. Money gets into the head of "many" women and God said in Genesis (Holy Bible) that women are help mate to the men, therefore they should help and not "take over". It is also in the Holy Bible that women should "submit" to their husbands, let's be realistic, many women who are richer than their husbands find it very difficult to submit themselves. I'm not saying it's bad for women to earn more but I still maintain my stand that whoever has more money (significantly) will most likely make the decisions.

  3. I think that there is nothing wrong if a woman earns more than the man....if a woman respects you as a man it shouldn't be because you earn more than she does. it's all about understanding.
